As a Bengali who is violently allergic to fish, I can’t eat the region’s most important food staple: maacher jhol. I’ve been hungry for it for 24 years.
For 33 years, Cooking Papa creator Tochi Ueyama has taught the comic’s readers that spending time in the kitchen is fun—while quietly subverting Japanese gender dynamics.
The Rust Belt town in Western New York is famous for one thing: chicken wings. But the people who live there are fueled by a sandwich that most have never heard of.
Durians are often portrayed as yet another strange, fantastical delicacy of Asia. But in Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia, they’re prized as the fruit equivalent of foie gras.
When the best-selling non-cookbook came out nearly 20 years ago, it proposed a new kitchen psyche for the new millennium. But the way we cook has changed a lot since then.