Culture What’s the Deal With Turtle Soup? This controversial dish was once a delicacy. Now it’s almost completely disappeared. Back in 18th century England, turtle soup was the Cronut … Story: Max Falkowitz
Culture Who Invented the Bouillon Cube? “Portable soup” was once so common that an inventor couldn’t get a patent for it. Story: Peter Romero
Cooking Is Butter Or Shortening Better For Pie Crust? Here’s how to make the perfect pie. Making pie crust isn’t the hardest baking project in the world, but it does come … Story: Max Falkowitz
Culture What Is Nashville Hot Chicken? Meet heartburn medicine’s best friend. The legend goes like this: In the 1930s, James Thornton Prince of Nashville, Tennessee, was a married … Story: Max Falkowitz
Culture Who Invented Popcorn? The treat is so ancient that archeologists have found popcorn fossils. Story: Max Falkowitz
Cooking Why Is It Called Canola Oil? There’s no such thing as a canola plant, but there is CANADA OIL. Story: Max Falkowitz
Cooking What Is a Slab Pie? Strange name aside, it’s a party planner’s best friend. Pie: a joy to eat, a mess to serve. If you’ve managed to … Story: Peter Romero
Cooking What’s the Difference Between Ice Cream and Frozen Custard? French vs. American ice cream, explained. In most of the U.S., “custard” and “ice cream” are often used interchangeably, but depending on … Story: Max Falkowitz