Culture The Dinner Party Flex: Cooking in the Age of Social Media What motivates the youngest generation of home cooks? A writer of a certain age sets out to decode the dinner party flex. … Story: Jamie Feldmar
Culture Knife Cycle The kitchen knife has come a long way from its ancient origins with our hominid predecessors. Here’s a brief illustrated history. THE … Story: Dan Bransfield
Culture Back to Basic What do you do when you find yourself slipping into cultural autopilot and eating foods that are deeply uncool? You just go … Story: Anna Hezel
Culture Inside the Cult of Clay Cookware Make all your food taste better with this one prehistoric trick? Not exactly, but clay-pot cooking has got some rabid fans. The … Story: Max Falkowitz
Cooking Adobo Seasoning and the Art of Puerto Rican Dry Marinade Why are plastic canisters of Goya adobo seasoning so ubiquitous in Puerto Rican kitchens? Because the spice blend goes well with pretty … Story: Alicia Kennedy
Cooking A Jewish Bread Lives On in Germany The German-Jewish cooking tradition is being carried on today by only a few bakers in Germany, who are still making a beloved … Story: Sonya Gropman
Cooking Saffron and Camel Humps: Anissa Helou’s Deep Dive Into Food of the Islamic World As a Christian who grew up in Beirut, Anissa Helou may be an unlikely expert on the expansive foods of the Islamic … Story: Devra Ferst
In Residence Setting the Rules of Wedding Catering on Fire Wedding traditions are constantly changing and adapting. So why are we still following the same old formulas for wedding catering? At my … Story: Jenn de la Vega
Cooking Fried Fish Quest A local holdout in a touristy town, where the fishermen catch—and cook—your meal. For the last two summers, I’ve been attempting to … Story: Kristen Bieler
Cooking Black Sesame > White Sesame Nutty, aromatic, and more flavorful than white sesame, there’s a lot more to black sesame besides its cool inky appearance. When you … Story: Yi Jun Loh
Culture Making the Loaf Fancy Again Loaf pans have been relegated to everyday, functional baking. But there was a time when the shape was worthy of a party … Story: Anna Hezel
Cooking Grainier Than Flour, Crispier Than Bread Crumbs One of semolina’s underrated uses is as a crust for fried vegetables and meats. Semolina, a sandy-textured grain, is a staple in … Story: Nik Sharma
Culture The Lure of Leisure at America’s Japanese All-Day Cafés Inspired by kissatens, these American interpretations have the same focus on simpler and slower times. If there’s a green goddess grain bowl … Story: Tatiana Bautista
Culture The Secrets of California’s Oldest Recipes Way, way before there was “California cuisine,” there was the original California cuisine—a fusion of Spanish, Mexican, and native foods. Marianne Partridge … Story: Georgia Freedman
Cooking It Takes a Village to Cook a Hawaiian Pig On the Hawaiian island of Kauai, cooking a 300-pound sow involves forklifts, lava stones, and a lot of patience. Smoke billows from a … Story: Marta Lane
Culture Alone With the Cookbooks David Hsu, an author and social scientist, believes that food is the way to fight back against America’s growing social isolation. I … Story: Oriana Koren
Culture How Do You Make a Kitchen Your Own? For some, it may be a central appliance or a beautiful knife. For others, it’s not quite so tangible. Jackson Pollock was … Story: Jesse Aylen
Culture The Modern Jang Master In Korea, the home kitchen revolves around a set of three ancient fermented sauces called jangs. One woman is using science to … Story: Mari Uyehara
In Residence Hot Sauce in My Veins Hot sauce is our soy sauce. It’s our fish sauce. It’s how our dishes sing. A few years ago, Beyoncé made an … Story: Therese Nelson
Culture The Tortilla Cartel The rise of industrial instant corn flour, masa harina, represents not only a gastronomic loss (the stuff tastes lousy), but a death … Story: Elizabeth Dunn
Culture Do Men Hate Bitter Greens? Anecdotal evidence points to a male aversion to bitter greens, but pinpointing the reason behind this is a little bit trickier. One … Story: Katy Kelleher