A Kitchen in New Orleans Hot Night, Cold Soup A refreshing and oven-less recipe born in Louisiana’s oppressive August heat. My brain froze. Scratch that: It was more like a blown … Story: Scott Hocker
A Kitchen in New Orleans The Eton Mess Is Beautiful, Chaotic, British Many years of eating, cooking, and writing about food have left Scott Hocker with many stories to tell. In this occasional column … Story: Scott Hocker
A Kitchen in New Orleans The Best Red Beans Are a Little Bit Cajun and a Little Bit Basque There was a time, New Orleans mythology says, when red beans and rice were a Monday-only kind of dish. New Orleans’s homemakers, busy … Story: Scott Hocker
A Kitchen in New Orleans The Best Californian Food I Ever Ate Was Indian Cooking at the intersection of Iranian and Indian. There's eggs, and also potato chips too. Story: Scott Hocker