December 13, 2023
This Is TASTE 324: We ❤️ Saveur with Colman Andrews

Next up in our weeklong tribute to Saveur is Colman Andrews, one of the publication’s founding editors, who also served as editor in chief from 2001 to 2006. Colman’s travel writing and recipe-based reporting had him traveling the world in search of the “good stuff” (well before Anthony Bourdain coined the term), and he served as the publication’s beating heart for nearly a decade. He’s a former Gourmet restaurant columnist and the author of a great memoir, My Usual Table: A Life in Restaurants, among other titles. On this episode we talk about some of Colman’s earliest stories at Saveur and how he and his fellow editors changed the face of food writing forever.
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25 Best Bars in the World [24/7 Wall Street]
Book Review: My Usual Table [NPR]