December 1, 2023
This Is TASTE 318: Shelly Fireman & Lorenzo Espada

Shelly Fireman is the owner of several New York City restaurants of acclaim and heritage, including Redeye Grill, Bond 45, and Cafe Fiorello. He’s also a very accomplished sculptor with a studio in Tuscany. On this truly amazing episode, we hear some great stories from an industry legend, like about opening the first stand-alone bagel shop in New York in the early 1960s, the Hip Bagel, as well as many more from over 50 years in the business. Get to know Shelly Fireman in this great episode.
Also on the show we have a fun interview with Lorenzo Espada, a 25 year old self-taught chef who has blown up on TikTok and has a cool debut cookbook, Somethin’ Outta Nothin’: 100 Creative Comfort Food Recipes for Everyone.
Why Shelly Fireman Is the King of Pre Theater Dining [Town and Country]
The Hip Bagel Menu Is AMAZING [Vintage Menu Art]
Local Chef Turned His Cooking Into a Viral Sensation [Spectrum]