July 24, 2023
This Is TASTE 256: B. Dylan Hollis

Have you ever eaten prune whip pie? How about pickle cheesecake? Well, B. Dylan Hollis absolutely has. The popular TikTok and YouTube creator has racked up millions (and millions) of views by baking his way through vintage cookbooks that fit his “three Ws”: wacky, weird, and wonderful. Now he has a book of his very own. It’s called Baking Yesteryear, and we’re thrilled to have him on the podcast to talk about the appeal behind historic baking.
Also on the show, Aliza has returned from a trip to Paris and Portugal and fills Matt in on all the cool things she ate and drank.
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More From B. Dylan Hollis:
70 Years Later, This Is Still the Best Summer Dessert [The Wall Street Journal[
Meet the TikToker Going Viral by Baking His Way Through Great Depression-Era Cookbooks [Eater]
Food for the Gods – 1909 Recipe [YouTube]