May 17, 2023
This Is TASTE 227: Jamie Loftus

It was so much fun having Jamie Loftus in the studio. Jamie is a comedy writer and podcast host behind some of our favorite series, including My Year in Mensa and Aack Cast, a very “Cathy” podcast. On this episode, we tackle all sorts of topics, and talk about Jamie’s incredible new book, Raw Dog: The Naked Truth About Hot Dogs. Yes, Jamie spent a solid year traveling around America, diving into the world of tube steaks. We find out about how she banishes ketchup from the bun and what makes a great mall food court. What a fun talk.
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Fountains of Youth [Eater]
#eatinfinitejest: the first tear [YouTube]
In Aack Cast, Jamie Loftus Goes to Bat for ‘Cathy’ [Vulture]