February 3, 2023
This Is TASTE 185: Anne Helen Petersen

We wanted to have journalist Anne Helen Petersen on the show not only to talk about modern office lunch culture…we wanted to have journalist Anne Helen Peterson on the show to talk about soup! Peterson is the author of the amazing newsletter Culture Study, and she has much to say about the intersection of food and pop culture. She also name checks some of her favorite cookbooks from Ali Slagle, Alison Roman, and Jenny Rosenstrach to name a few. This is such a rich and textured conversation from one of the sharpest observers around. We hope you enjoy it.
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More from Anne Helen Petersen:
There Is No Such Thing as “Junk” Food [BA]
When Did Fitness Become a Luxury Item? [Culture Study]
New Year, New Job, New Me [Work Appropriate]
CrispyEgg420 [Instagram]